[AL PLUGIN]Conflicts Official Release Thread - v0.85 released -> Collaboration works!

The place to discuss scripting and game modifications for X³: Terran Conflict and X³: Albion Prelude.

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Post by Legartius » Sun, 18. Jan 09, 03:30

Great mod, just a few questions;

1) When a player takes over a sector by destroying the military structures, what happens to the other stations? Do they turn neutral, fall under player control, need destroying?
2) I've been through the thread, but I'm unsure as to how I force an alliance eg; Argon, Terran, Boron or force a war, eg; Terran vs Split. Could someone post a brief step by step? :)

Thanks in advance! :)

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Post by Legartius » Tue, 20. Jan 09, 18:38

Do I smell? :oops: :P

Brb, shower :D

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Sir Squallus
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Post by Sir Squallus » Tue, 20. Jan 09, 19:13

Downt know whats happend with the stations, try it on your own and tell us

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Post by aleks2098 » Wed, 21. Jan 09, 13:43

What about race capability of deploying ships?

As I assumed, there is something like economic power. And All races can produce certain number of ships in specific time.

But is there any relation to normal ships that are deployed by certain race?

I was just involved in strange battles. First of all in Atreus Clouds Teladi tried to make conflict invasion. I was there with my assault wing ;) (5 eclipses, 4 novas, 1 Heavy Centaur) Teladi Sucks. They had a lot of ships and fighters were really well-armed but their Falcons were really slow, and their Phoenixes behaved more like transport ships then like Destroyers. I took off fighters because they were more dangerous and then destroyed 4 Phoenixes.. They were slow and bad armed. Their shields were ok but it was only question of time...

After this battle I jumped for small hunting to Hatkiva's Faith and... I spotted Teladi invasion (Assault ships). They were better opponents. Teladi got 2 M1, some M7's (about 4 or five - they were incoming in waves) and about 4 Phoenixes. This battle lasted about 1 hour I suppose and took place both in Hatikvas Faith and Thurk's Beard.

I used planetoids to hide some ships beside them and my speed to took fighters from carriers and destroy them without their support

Teladi lost great amount of ships - I'm sure that my wing with me destroyed about 8 Destroyers, 2 Carriers, about 4 or more Frigates and a lot of corvettes with great amount of fighters.

What's next? If battle in Hatkiva's Faith took place agains "assault forces" (not conflict forces) it means that these ships that were destroyed will be rebulid after many hours? So Teladi Empire is now very weak and could be plunder by my ships? :)

And another question. I just attacked fighting Paraind and Split forces in some "south" sector down to Hatikvas Faith. I destroyed some survivors ;) and have sector without military forces but with shipyard

What do I have to do? Parainds are in war with Argons. I'm allied with Argons - so If I destroy this shipyard it would be significant blow for Paranid Dynasty? And their ships will respawn more slowly?

I don't have enough ships to capture so distant sectors...

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Post by Xangar » Thu, 22. Jan 09, 13:43

in collaboration with Mavor, we have added the multi-language support. Now you can translate it by the t files :D

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Post by Sir Squallus » Thu, 22. Jan 09, 15:58


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Post by omegaxypher » Thu, 22. Jan 09, 18:44

Hmm, i was expecting maybe a crash fix... but i guess multi language is cool?

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Post by Germi » Fri, 23. Jan 09, 10:12

Another Question:
Ive reassigned the war/ally state and locked diplomacy.
If i uninstall the script now.. would this states being permanent?
Wenn´s nicht flüchten konnte, war´s wohl zu langsam ;)

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Post by Walterses » Fri, 23. Jan 09, 13:47

ok someone seriously needs to direct me to some instructions for how it exactly works (all the fine details). a read me would be very nice lol save me alot of time trialing diff scripts..

any ideas? ty
Would someone kill those dam fighters all ready? Those flack cannons are giving me a headache :s

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Post by tslatec » Sat, 24. Jan 09, 22:30

I've been keeping an eye on this script for quite some time now, it looks promising. Also I've been reading about scripting to be able to contribute. As Walterses mentions something like a flow chart that would definitely help to understand the script.

I'm planning on doing some menu improvements, here are some examples of what i wanted to change:
- don't close the menu each time you change a setting
- streamline code/tfile
- order the items differently (e.g. submenu's for misc. settings so the root doesn't get cluttered)
If anyone has some suggestion for the menu, please discuss.

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Post by Sunrayn » Sat, 24. Jan 09, 23:28

Just my opinion tslatec but, there is really no point to improving menus until the lockups are fixed. The longer Conflicts runs, the more frequent the lockups become.

When I finally uninstalled it this last time, it was locking up with 30 seconds of restarting it from the prior lockup.

Removing civilian ships should have balanced out the number ships that Conflicts adds, lessening the lockup problem if it were due to 'too many' ships. It didnt work.

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Post by Sir Squallus » Sat, 24. Jan 09, 23:44

or conflicts could, and that would be the Perfect way i think, take the existing ships of an race, collect them near the sektor they want to fight and then attack

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Post by Sol753 » Sun, 25. Jan 09, 08:53

something weird keeps happening in the game with this mod
I allied myself with the terran race
and they keep requesting my help in sector "null" - a sector that doesn't
show on the map and doesn't seem to exist

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Post by KillingMonkey » Sun, 25. Jan 09, 15:15

How do you access this 'Conflicts menu'? I can't seem to find a hotkey for it anywhere....
Figured it out....
Last edited by KillingMonkey on Mon, 26. Jan 09, 01:13, edited 1 time in total.
To each, his own.

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Post by markmid » Sun, 25. Jan 09, 18:05

I will probably install this mod as it sounds great, my only concern in a game with the timeframe of the X-series is, are all races eventually eliminated?

Do races try to make a comeback from the dead if they are wiped out? That is will they spawn a rebel station and a few ships, giving them a small hope to revive themselves?

If not I think that would be a great addition, when a race has 0 sectors, give them 1 station and a few ships to harass their enemy if nothing else :)

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Post by Legartius » Mon, 26. Jan 09, 02:22

Does Conflicts use and create it's own ships? I'm asking to try and find out if it would be compatible with Race Patrols, which removes military ships. If no-one knows I'll just give it a shot and get back to you :)

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Post by tslatec » Mon, 26. Jan 09, 15:22

Just my opinion tslatec but, there is really no point to improving menus until the lockups are fixed.
Well I don't really understand Conflicts completely, there's no point in looking for a bug if you don't understand the code. By doing some maintenance work I hope to improve my understanding. Anyway I ended up doing some work on global variables, but it isn't finished yet(I can't work on it for about a week due to RL).
or conflicts could, and that would be the Perfect way i think, take the existing ships of an race, collect them near the sektor they want to fight and then attack
I think that the game does this already. There is a script (!lib.fight.defencebase.start ) in which a defencebase is called to gather forces and defend/attack something. Also there are more scripts that we maybe could use, but using them would probably mean that Conflicts would get incompatible with Race Patrols and scripts alike.
I allied myself with the terran race and they keep requesting my help in sector "null"
Happens in my game too, it's a bug.
I can't seem to find a hotkey for it anywhere...
It wouldn't be hard to add a hotkey. If we would use a hotkey, then we would be able to use a command slot less too :)
I will probably install this mod as it sounds great, my only concern in a game with the timeframe of the X-series is, are all races eventually eliminated?
There should be at least one race left standing, the player(and maybe his/her ally). However I don't think it will come to that, since the script causes lockups.
Do races try to make a comeback from the dead if they are wiped out?
I don't think so, but i could be wrong.
Does Conflicts use and create it's own ships? I'm asking to try and find out if it would be compatible with Race Patrols, which removes military ships.
Conflicts spawns it's own ships, therefore it should be compatible with race patrols.

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Sir Squallus
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Post by Sir Squallus » Mon, 26. Jan 09, 15:46

To be compatible with other skrips is one of the last things conflicts should look for.
first of all, we (my self too) should look for:
:arrow: being bug free
:arrow: SAVE deinstall!!!
:arrow: low cpu recurces being need
:arrow: Maybee a complet new surce code (with the eyes on being compatible

I am working on a similar skript for my mod, but i am still a beginner
in my mod the player should choose a side and he must fight for them
I can give you more details when my alpha works

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Post by MorphingJar » Mon, 26. Jan 09, 18:51

After playing the mod for a bit. There are quite a few issues I have with the mod.

It seems that the AI is overly aggressive towards enemy ships. This is extremely evident when you look at missions asking you to retrieve ships or to kill certain ships. Most times the AI makes a B line for them and blows them out of the sky before you are even remotely close to the sector. I just had an instance where i was asked to take back a Hauler. I got close to it and fired a few rounds. A Nearby Ospray Destroyed the ship with one volley. Seconds after combat started. One the few instances where I have made pirates eject from their ships, I have had the ships hunted down and destroyed before they could leave the sector.

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Post by KillingMonkey » Tue, 27. Jan 09, 21:57

Hmmm.... Just found out that combining this and Race Patrols really strains my nerves... Why? Well.... I do get the eventual race distress message... EVERY 2 SECs!!! LOL!!! And since I've allied myself with the Paranid and have an Argon license... Ouch.... 10 msgs every 4,5 secs (calculated it) from either the Argon requesting help or the Paranid telling me that a massive fleet has been dispatched, or both.... I too get the eventual 'null' as a sector.... Irritating little bugger....
To each, his own.

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